Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I've been shopping again...

Since Kelley Armstrong made the jump to hardcover, I was going to get this from the library and wait to buy it in mass market. But then I noticed that Amazon is selling it for $13.60. Now with free shipping this is a good deal. So I cracked and ordered. Plus Kelley Armstrong will send you a goodie bag if you send her your receipt, which is way decent of her. (Thanks to Nath and Twisted Kingdom for the tip!)

I had to get the new Loretta Chase, obviously.

I had to make my order over $25 to get the free shipping, so I bought Beguilement. I read a library copy in hardcover and really loved it, so I've had my eye on the mass market, which was just released.

And I noticed while roaming Amazon that the cover for Legacy has been posted. Look! It's Dag. Mmmm. Can't wait.


Rosario said...

Dag! He looks younger than I imagined him here, though.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip about the goodie bag! I ordered my copy of No Humans Involved today :) along with a couple of other books.

I've had the next Sharing Knife books preordered for a while. Bujold is an author I'll buy in hardback.

nath said...

Hey Jennie :D

Great book buying ;D I'm glad you bought No Humans Involved, I seriously can't wait for my copy to arrive :D and happy you got to know about the goodie bag :D Don't forget to review the new Loretta Chase :D Ames loved it, but I'm still curious what you think of it :)

Jennie said...

Rosario--LOL. But Lakewalkers don't age the same way other people do, remember? So he shouldn't look his age. :)

JMC--That makes two hardcover books I have to buy in July--Legacy and HP7. That blows my book-buying budget for the whole month. But you're right, Bujold is worth hardcover price.

Nath--Yeah, I was way too excited about the goodie bag when I saw your post on TK. It's very clever promotion on Armstrong's part. :) I'll definitely review the Chase--did you see the ladies at Dear Author gave it good reviews too? Yay!

nath said...

Hey Jennie... it is indeed clever promotion from her, but at the same time, it is a very generous offer :D I just finished the book and I liked it, by the way :D

Jennie said...

Oooh! Excellent. My copy hasn't shipped yet from Amazon--was it released earlier in Canada? Maybe so since the author is Canadian...

Anonymous said...

Nice haul you have there. Hope you enjoy all of them. :)