Look what came in the mail today! My prize pack from Kelley Armstrong! Squee! I won the contest she did last week at Sybil's. So to make you all jealous, here's all the stuff I got: little mini Exit Strategy backpack (it's so cool!), Band-Aid dispenser (because women of the Otherworld can get into scrapes), keychain light (because I can't do Paige's light ball spell), pen and post-its, and bunches of bookmarks.
And most importantly, a signed copy of No Humans Involved. I already had a copy, but not signed! Signed to me! Okay, I'm a little too excited about this. Someone should take away my exclamation point key. ;)

Okay, since Kelley was so nice as to send me all this cool stuff, I will say, once again, that everyone should go out and buy No Humans Involved because it's really good (see review below). And I would have recommended it even without the freebies. :D
ARRGGHHHHH!!! I am green with jealousy right now!!! So envious! and you know the worst? The prize pack at Twisted Kingdom still hasn't been claimed! Do you know how much I want to ask Kelley to send it to me?!?!?!
Sorry, Nath! I feel like you should have won because you did all the work for the TK interview. If that prize doesn't get claimed you should email Kelley and have her pick another name (and maybe hint that she should pick you). :)
Congrats on your goodies!!
I will get around to reading No Humans Involved, once I'm all caught up, I just finished Dime Store Magic. :P
GASP! I missed Kelley Armstrong on Sybil's blog?! DAMN YOU TIME SUCKING ART DEPARTMENT. I think I just cried a little. ;)
Congrats on winning this! I'm so jealous. No Humans Involved is sitting on book shelf right now looking 3 kinds of pretty and tempting. But I tend to save her books until I need something that I KNOW will be a great read. :p
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