I forgot to say in my 2006 wrap-up that I tried 36 new-to-me authors last year. That's 36 out of 86, or 42%. YAY me! Really that is seriously amazing for someone who used to re-read books by the same four people over and over. I used to be scared. Now not so much.
New-to-me authors I discovered this year that I'm looking forward to glomming in 2007: Jo Beverley, Anne Stuart, Connie Brockway, Carla Kelly, and J.D. Robb. All with lovely big backlists.
Anyone else have any good author discoveries this year?
I read 86 new to me authors last year. Best discoveries - Lisa Kleypas and Anne Bishop are probably the two that stand out most, although there were several other honourable mentions including J D Robb!!
My new "discoveries" for 2006:
Naomi Novik (alt. reality)
Darlene Marshall (historicals set in colonial Florida)
Megan Whalen Turner (YA)
I think my spreadsheet tracks new-to-me authors, but I don't know the percentage off-hand. The three above are the most memorable, though.
Right on. I have read a bunch of new to me authors as well. I'm not too fond of some of the ones you enjoyed though. Jo Beverley has disappointed me for the last time so I wont be going back to her, and JD Robb..well Nora Roberts bores me no matter what name she uses.
Boo-yah! That is a hell of a number! I have been starting to branch out because I ended up with one auto-buy author (Anne Stuart doncha know). The only way to add authors is to try new authors and luckily for me, there were a lot out there.
This year I discovered Kresley Cole, Nalini Singh and now I'm drawing a blank.
not sure which I love more--you as tinkerbell or you saying you are brave.
And i love that you pass along all your best discoveries to me so I DON'T have to be brave. :)
Go you! I can't remember. I think most romance books I read where by new-to-me authors.
Of the small (for me) list in 2006, I've found a few authors I've enjoyed this year and plan on trying again
Elizabeth Hoyt
Nalini Singh
Ronda Thompson
Alexis Morgan
Lani Diane Rich
Kate Lyon
Cathy McDavid
Dierdre Knight
Susan Kearney
Marg--Lisa Kleypas was a new-to-me author last year too. I like her books, but can't seem to get quite as excited as everyone else is about her. But I'll probably be reading more of her books. And Black Jewels Trilogy is in my tbr. Hopefully going to get to that soon!
JMC--I want to try all three of those authors. I don't think I realized Darlene Marshall's books were colonials. Hmmm, I like colonials.
Chantal--I've actually only read one Jo Bev, which I liked a lot. So maybe it was a fluke, but I'm definitely going to try some more. But Nora Roberts? I'm a fangirl. She can do no wrong in my eyes. LOL. But everyone has their own preferences. :)
Cindy--Gotta have lots of autobuy authors! :p Oh, yes Nalini Singh is awesome. And I mean to give Kresley Cole a chance.
Julie--You get to be brave with the crafting and then teach me. And I'll share my favorite books with you. Dealio? ;)
Mailyn--I can't usually remember authors off the top of my head either. That's why I like my spreadsheet. Even though it's sort of crazy anal-retentive. :o)
Kristie--I haven't heard of most of them! But I have read and liked Nalini Singh and Lani Diane Rich. Is Deidre Knight the hockey romance one? Or no, I think that might be Deidre something else.
*chuckle* The hockey ones are Dierdre Martin. The Dierdre Knight one is a paranormal. In the first book, he is the leader of planet who met the heroine years ago when they were both children on an exporation visit to Earth. Then he comes back years later and meets her again.
I know most of my new authors are much more unknown. I've been reading for so long, I've already read most of the better known authors.
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