Monday, November 27, 2006

Dear Delta

Dear Delta,
I just wanted to post a little note here to tell you how much I enjoyed my flight today. After rising at 4 AM and arriving at the airport, I was so pleased when you told me that I was 5 minutes too late to check in to my 6:30 flight. I was happy to wait until the next flight at 10:30. And when that one was overbooked and you asked me to wait for your 2:30 flight, I thought, "No problem, Delta!" And the day just got better and better when the 2:30 was delayed until 4... then 5...then 6:00 PM. Your staff was so courteous and helpful that I was able to restrain myself from leaping over the counter to throttle your ticket agents. Barely! With each interaction, I got that nice little blood pressure spike, along with the pleasantly woozy, dizzy feeling. Almost as good as drugs! So thanks, Delta. I'll be sure to keep you in mind for all my upcoming air travel plans. Because in your generous care, I made a 13-hour journey 50 minutes of which were actually spent flying. Impressive! Job well done, Delta.

Much love,


Angela James said...

What time did you get to the airport that they said you were there too late?

Kristie (J) said...

Ooooohhhh - Nasty! What an awful way to end a holiday!!!

Marg said...

Sounds like the trip from hell really!

Rosario said...

Well, how you did restrain from strangling them, I'll never know!

nath said...

Oh, I'm soooo sorry for you Jennie! You did a good job at restraining yourself!

Mailyn said...

Oh lordie that was awful. I would have had a coronary. Me and my fear of flying and then all that time in the airport. Oh boy! Sorry to hear that.

Jessica said...

Ick. I was flying from Madrid to Los Angeles, and Delta turned it into a TWENTY-FOUR HOUR affair.

Nevah! Nevah again!

Jennie said...

Angie--We got there just before 6 for our 6:30 flight. I wasn't worried because it's a small airport and it was so early, but obviously that wasn't early enough. Rrrgg. Lesson learned, I guess! I get so frustrated though, because whenever I am on time for a flight, the plane is always late and I end up waiting at least a couple hours anyway.

Everyone else, thanks for the commiserations! It's really good to vent about it. :p

Anonymous said...

Ah, the irony. The JFK-DC Delta shuttle is late 100% of the time, according to a WaPo article I read earlier this month. But they don't give 5 minutes of leeway? Not fair!

Samantha said...

Ouch! I would've demanded a refund from their asses for making me wait that long. Sorry that you're trip had to end on that crappy note.

CindyS said...

Reason 154 why I will never fly.

I will commend you on your ability to keep from strangling anybody. Course, if you did you we'd all be lucky to hear from you again. Let's face it, the only thing protecting the airlines now is the fear of getting hauled off to jail ;)

On top of this it was a small airport? I guess shopping was out of the question.

Hey, send this letter to the head office. Guaranteed you'll get a coupon to fly free with them. Like you would ever want to but it's funny how companies think this is a solution.


Rowena said...

Ouch! That sucks, sorry sweets!

Jennie said...

jmc--That doesn't surprise me at all. Our flight down was three hours late too and the stewardess said that that flight hadn't left on time for months. So obviously they know there's a problem, but they don't do anything about it! Rrrgg. It just seems so ridiculous.

Sam--I know! They gave us a free drink on the plane, and I was like, yeah, so not making up for my pain and suffering.

Cindy--We were stuck in the terminal with only a news stand and one little restaurant. Good thing I had a couple books with me. :) I probably should send this to Delta.

Thanks, Dylan. :)