So in honor of this momentous occasion (hyperbole), I'm going to give away some books to one lucky reader. I tend to collect multiple copies of some of my favorite books--does anyone else do this? I see them on the shelf and think, surely it would be a good idea to have backup copy. You know, in case of emergency. But these extra copies would obviously be doing much more good if I sent them out into the world to be introduced to new people.
The deal: Here's a list of books. You look them over and decide which FOUR books you would like to call your very own. Leave a comment listing those four books. On Wednesday night, I will put all the names in a hat and pull one out. Completely random. I promise. Then I will mail that person the four books they chose.
*These are all used books. I'm trying to survive on a publishing salary here people. But I take very fine care of my books, so they are all in good shape.
*International peeps, feel free to enter. But know that I will send them the slowest delivery method. So you would have to be patient, but these books are totally worth it.
So here are your options. They're all books I can recommend completely without reservation:

From top of stack to bottom:
Mrs. Drew Plays Her Hand by Carla Kelly. This author was new to me last year and is now one of my favorites. Regency romance. Really good regency romance. Sweet and lovely. *Warning: Contains a healthy dose of cute children. (for Cindy)*
Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart. Stewart did romantic suspense before romantic suspense was cool. She is a goddess, she should be knighted, she is my favorite author. If you've never read one of her books, you are missing out on something special.
Touch not the Cat by Mary Stewart. Because you can never have too much Stewart. Telepathic heroine, crumbling castle, evil lurking nearby. Need I say more?
Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase. This isn't actually my favorite Chase, but it's the only one I have an extra copy of. But it is excellent.
The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery. Favorite book of all time. Perfectly perfect in every way.
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear. A mystery to mix things up. Post-WWI London. Maisie is a psychologist/detective. Whodunit mixed with war story mixed with upstairs/downstairs story.
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. A book to be loved by all bibliophiles. Fforde is probably the most imaginative author I've ever read.
The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgeson Burnett. Classic childhood favorite. Everyone knows the story, but have you read the book? It is so, so lovely.
Montana Sky by Nora Roberts. One of my favorite Noras. If you saw the movie--the book is much better.
The Complete Novels of Jane Austen. A beautiful edition of all five novels. I don't really have to say anything else here, do I?
Pompeii by Robert Harris. (Ex-library copy!) I adore this book. Young Roman engineer is sent to Pompeii days before the eruption because the aqueducts have stopped up. So, so fascinating. And not so tragic as you might fear.
So do you see four you want? Leave a comment!
Hey Jennie :)
This is so nice of you!!!! I hope you'll have a nice blogversary! and you sure got my attention with the magic words: free books :)
Ha, here are my choices: Mrs. Drew Plays Her Hand, Nine Coaches waiting, Touch not the Cat and The Blue Castle :)
Can I play too? How nice of you!
Happy Blogiversary! (I haven't been visiting you quite that long, though.)
Here's the four I'd pick:
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgeson Burnett
Montana Sky by Nora Roberts
I feel slightly ashamed even entering, given my monstrous TBR. But, being a book whore, I will anyway.
Montana Sky -- 'cause my copy is falling apart.
Pompeii -- 'cause I'm interested in Roman set stuff right now
2 Mary Stewarts -- she's one of the grand dames of genre fiction and I've never read her.
I'm inspired now; maybe I'll do something similar on my second blogiversary :)
Yay! Happy blogiversary and here's to many more to come! And yeah, I'll admit that I buy extra copies of my favorite books too. When the new paperbacks of Maria V. Snyder's series comes out I'm totally buying them. The new covers are gorgeous and I want the whole series to match. Yes, I'm a dork like that.
Here's my four picks
Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart
The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
The Complete Novels of Jane Austen
Happy Anniversary! As others have said... even though I have such a huge TBR, I feel guilty entering... but books are books and it didn't stop me from buying a bunch today! :)
Here are my four:
Montana Sky
Touch Not the Cat
Nine Coaches Waiting
Maisie Dobbs
Thanks for doing this!
Happy Blogiversary!! And yes, I have multiples but mine are because I forget that I already own the book. Ugh.
Also, thank you, thank you, thank you for the warning about the children! I was thinking I should try it but when you said it was sweet I started to back off - then I saw the warning!! Few!
So, not only is my TBR pile large but I'm in a bit of a February slump but I'm so in ;)
Since I know The Blue Castle is your perfect book I really want to read it so...
The Blue Castle
Touch not the Cat (telepath!! Squeeee)
Montana Sky
Pompeii even though I doubt it's a romance ;) I've been watching the mini-series ROME but I like the romantic bits ;)
And if I don't win, I know have a list of books to add to my TBB uh, list!
Happy Blog-a-versay. Has it really been a year? Wow - time flies doesn't it? What I great idea! Like others I almost (almost *g*) feel guilty. I read the two Mary Stewarts years ago and loved them but my copies are long gone. I've never tried Carla Kelly but I hear such wonderful things about her and believe it or not, I've never tried Jane Austen so those would be my choices.
¡Feliz bloguiversario! (said the Spanish teacher.)
I've so enjoyed discovering new authors (yay Kelly Armstrong!) and reading your reviews of authors I already love (yay Sara Donati!).
That said, my list, should my name leap from the depths of the free book Sorting Hat:
The Blue Castle
The Complete Novels of Jane Austen
Montana Sky
Lord Perfect
Happy belated Blogiversary!!
Happy Belated Blogiversary Jennie!
Van Harte Gefeliciteerd!
That's "Congratulations!" in Dutch by the way. Yes, I live in Holland and it's very difficult to get wonderful 2nd hand books here in English so I really hope I can win 4 of the books you're willing to give away. Namely:
Mrs. Drew Plays Her Hand
Nine Coaches Waiting
The Blue Castle
The Eyre Affair
Thank you so much!
Mary Ann
Happy belated blogiversary!
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