Thursday, March 06, 2008

Me in books.

I was playing with LibraryThing today and noticed that they have a link to the blog of this guy who used the book covers from his LibraryThing account to make photomosaics of himself.

I had to try for myself. It was really easy, though you do have to download this program called AndreaMosaic.

I had to shrink the images so much to get them on the web that you can't actually tell that the tiles are book covers. But they are, trust me. :) Here's me last fall in Prospect Park in Brooklyn:

And me at the beach in Corolla last year:


Jace said...

The pics sure look nice, don't they? :) I think they'd look like oil paintings from far. Wonderful stuff - this technology. :)

Jennie said...

I love playing with programs like this. So much fun. :)

Jill D. said...

Wow, really cool Jennie. I can't believe those are book covers!